Working Schedule
JAIET follows the academic terms and working days as prescribed by the University. The College function from 9.00 AM to 5.00 PM, Monday through Friday. Weaker students may be required to attend special classes and other activites before and beyond the scheduled timings as indicated above.
Students are requested to be regular and punctual to the classes. Students are expected to be in the class atleast 5 minutes before the bell.

A minimum of 80% attendance in each semester/year is necessary to enable the student to write University Examination.
However it is recommended in the ultimate interest of the students, that they be present and puntual for all the classroom lecturers, laboratory practicals, field work and so on.

Physical Education is a compulsory activity of the college and much emphasis is laid on achieving the national objectivity in sports & games.
Full infrastructure, equipment and guidance is provided in the true spirit of sports and games.
The college campus enjoys the facility not only of buildings but also extensive indoor and outdoor sports and games fields such as full fledged athlete track, High Jumps, Long Jumps and Triple Jumps, Discus-throws, shorts-put and Javiline as per the specification of latest rules of the national Sports Association of India. Hockey ground, Basket ball courts, Tennis courts, Cricket net for practice, Volley ball courts and Shuttle... etc.

Hostel Facilities
The institution provides hostel facilities for boys and girls separately under the guidance of warden and sub-warden. Audio system. Television & Video Cassette recorder facilities are provided.
Hostel block gives a homely atmosphere with spacious corridors, sitouts, recreation rooms and the much needed spacious bathrooms and toilet areas attached to the palacious dormitoties.
The Management committee includes the hostel management too. The Prinicipal and the chief warden will assist in the smooth functioning of the hostel. Vigetarian and non-vegetarian whole-some food will ve served with hygienic condition.
Spcial care will be taken to make dietetically well balanced and nutritious food in the mess, according to the weekly menu. The mess committee represented by the staff and the students meet regularly to discuss and prepare menu and bring in required changes periodically. The most modern centralized cistern caters to the needs of the hostel buffet system which is followed in the mess. Milk is provided on their request. Mess charges are calculated on the actual consumption.

Medical Facilities
A dispensary is functioning in the premises with qualified doctor on-call all the twenty four hours a day. Besides attending to the medical needs of the students, staff and others in the campus, the doctor also carries out routine medical checkup of the students every year. He is assisted in this task by specialist doctors from the city.