Class Rooms
The Class rooms are well designed with natural lighting and fresh air with all modern furniture and other facilities such as drinking water, toilets on each floor, staff and students' rest rooms, reading rooms, departmental libraries etc. the class
rooms are functional, flexible, comfortable and aesthetically
pleasing to the environment. The spacious corridor, students'
corners, display & bulletin boards are creating a better academic

Library is the nucleus of any learning centre. Our college Library is the centre of all the activities planned and executed in the college. It is spacious and sufficiently ventilated. It was built - in glass panelled and wooden closed shelves, display & bulletin boards and provided with ample seating for staff and students separately. It has nearly 13000 volumes of books in 3000 titles of various branches of Engineering.
We subscribe 200 useful national and international journals periodically. It is proposed to add 2000 to 3000 additional volumes to this collection every year and proposed to have a pentium lan server with 4 nodes by which issues and returns will be done. Students and staff can search for the books on the author, titles and subject headings and their availability, using the software CALIBLAN MIS develop in FOXPRO 26. Also we have planned to subscribe to Maliment (Madras lealy networks) through which we can access the Library in and around Madras city.

Drawing Hall
We have three drawing halls with three hundred adjustable moderned drawing boards. Each drawing hall can accommodate hundred students to draw at a time.

Physics Laboratory
The Physics Laboratory is spacious and well equipped with all necessary instruments of latest model. It can accommodate sixty students for practicals at a time. It has a separate dark room for conducting light experiments.

Chemistry Laboratory
The Chemistry Laboratory contains adequate facilities for various experiments. Sixty students can do practical at a time. Some of the instruments available in chemistry laboratory are electrical centrifuge, hand centrifuge and chemical balances. As a precautionary measure, two fire extinguishers are also made available. The laboratory has separate room for preparation.

Work Shop
The Workshop is well equipped with the tools needed to accommodate sixty students at a time. There are fitting and carpentry shops, basic and special tools, work benches and wood working machines.

Microprocessor Laboratory
Microprocessor and Microprocessor Interfacing Laboratory has various types of Microprocessor kits, necessary accessories, Add ON Cards and also five Computers.

Electronics Laboratory
Electron Devices and Electric Laboratory is equipped with measuring equipments like oscilloscopes, multimeters, signal generators, digital storage, Instrumentation amplifier, transducers LDVT, strain gauge, Thermo couple RTP, Thermistor, advanced kits.

Thermal Laboratory
The Thermal Engineering Lab equipped with test setups having different type of heat engines air compressors blowers and advantage technology Thermax stream boiler and turbine. Facilities are available for testing fuel and lubricants including exhaust gas analysis. Other test facilities cover refrigeration and air conditioning, heat and mass transfer and wind tunnel.

Electrical Laboratory
This lab is well equipped with measuring instruments like oscilloscopes, multimeters etc. with regulated power supplies and various power electronic kits. The Electrical lab is set up in such a way that it exposes the students to several controlled rectifiers, and cyclone converter techniques. It is also equipped with winding machines, oil testing kit, Earth testing kit and other accessories.

Mechanical Laboratory
The Machanical Lab has complete experimental set up to demonstrate the basic laws of hydraulics and flow measuring device. Similarly, the fluid power lab has impulse and reaction turbines, reciprocating, gear and centrifugal pumps with necessary test rigs to study the performance characteristics.