Message from the Chairman
I am pleased to note that you are considering JAIET as an adode of learning. It gives top priorities to Discipline, Academic Excellence, Fear of God and Reverence to Teachers as it is a Christian minority inttitution. JAIET seeks excellence in the sacred field of learning and fulfils long-felt need of our country.

The modern society is very much in need of the force of motivated and skilled youth wo are willing to contribute their best for building a better world. the inherent talents and qualities of our younger generatin should be pooled together and to be properly channelised. There is an innate longing for the recognition of the youth of today and to tap all the sources to exhibit their hidden potentials. As our society is moving ahead at a rapid speed with a competitive spirit in Science & Technologies, We pave way to the younger generatoion for highly sophisticated specialization in imbibing the engineering and technological training to bild a better nation
Our Aim is to impart technical education to the aspiring youth to enable the youth of today to rise up in the professinal calibre with academic excellence and to emarge in the society with a unique personality adorned with sound character and good discipline.
J.A. Institute of Enginerring and Technology has been established to enable the youngsters to face various challenges and needs in the field of Technical Education. The college motivates the studnts to attain their thirst for knowledge, and helps them to grow intellectually, physically socially, spiritually and morally strong.
It offers various opportunities to promote excellence with a christian spirit of service & commitment for our Country.